

Western States Metal Roofing

Explore our blog and get the latest news and information on metal roofing, plus find special home maintenance tips and tricks you can use.

Blog Feature

How to | Homeowner Education | Metal Siding | T-8 Plankwall®

By: Lauren Risotto
March 1st, 2022

Reclaimed wood is any wood that has been previously used and then repurposed.

Blog Feature

Homeowner Education | Metal Siding

By: Lauren Risotto
August 4th, 2021

Vertical vs. Horizontal Metal Siding: The Pros And Cons

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Blog Feature

Homeowner | Education | Homeowner Education | Metal Siding | Metal wall panel

By: Janine Estolas
June 9th, 2021

When it comes to metal siding and metal wall panels, there are plenty of options to choose from. However, there are two special panel types known for their similarity in style and design, and that is our flush metal wall panel options, T-Groove and Western Reveal.

Blog Feature

Homeowner | Metal | Homeowner Education

By: Lauren Risotto
March 31st, 2021

There are many components that contribute to the stability of a metal building. When it comes to roofing, metal purlins are a critical element needed to give the structure proper support.

Blog Feature

Metal | Homeowner Education | Metal Siding

By: Lauren Risotto
September 21st, 2020

Whenever it’s time to make a big purchase, the topic of cost will always come up.

Blog Feature

Roofing | Homeowner Education | Maintenance

By: Courtney Keene
August 26th, 2020

Owning a metal roof means you’re going to spend less time on average fixing pesky things like leaks and wind damage, but your roof still needs maintenance to stay in peak condition.

Blog Feature

Homeowner Education | aluminum roofing

By: Lauren Risotto
August 10th, 2020

Not all roofs are created equal. Not even all metal roofs.