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Is A Metal Roof Worth It? 5 Reasons Why A Metal Roof Is A Good Idea
Paul Rubio

By: Paul Rubio on June 24th, 2020

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Is A Metal Roof Worth It? 5 Reasons Why A Metal Roof Is A Good Idea

Metal | Roofing | Homeowner Education | roof


Is A Metal Roof Right For My House?

I don’t know about you, but when I have to shell out tens of thousands of dollars, I get nervous that I am making a good investment. That’s the main problem with a metal roofs. Standing seam roofs in particular can cost you a small fortune. In fact, a new metal roof will cost you $15,000 to $40,000.

The truth of the matter is that it’s not a good investment on some houses, but on other houses it’s a phenomenal investment. In some situations, a purchase that will actually save you money in the long run. Yes, you heard that right, that expensive metal roof can actually make you money.

At Western States Metal Roofing, we talk to homeowners like you every day. Quite often, they want to know if a metal roof is right for them. It’s a difficult question because it’s not always the correct product for them. There are times when a metal roof is a no brainer, when it could go either way, and other times where it’s a horrible idea.

Our goal in this article isn’t to convince you that metal roofing is always the best fit. Instead, we want to discuss the factors that make metal roofing the best product for your house.

These are the factors that determine if metal roofing is a good fit for your home.


1. Visibility Of Your Roof

What’s the use of spending a ton of money on a roof that nobody will see? If you have a house with a flat roof or a low pitch roof that’s barely visible, then a standing seam metal roof is likely a bad fit. It’s one of those investments like re-piping the plumbing that provides functionality, but you don’t see it.


Standing Seam Metal Roofing in Dark Bronze

Standing Seam Metal Roofing in Dark Bronze


On the other hand, if the roof is the focal point of your house then it’s worth spending some additional money. We’ve all driven down a nice neighborhood and although most of the houses are well kept, they all look alike. Then you drive past the house that catches your eye. Something about it was different and unique. Maybe they just spent twice as much as the other houses, maybe it’s bigger, maybe it’s the color. Most often though it’s that one extra feature that nobody else on the street has. A metal roof is often that “it factor” on a house.

Standing Seam Roofing in Black Ore Matte

Standing Seam Metal Roofing in Black Ore Matte

Here’s a perfect example, this house has a highly visible roof that’s a focal point of the property. It started out with an asphalt shingle roof and it looked nice, but wasn’t necessarily the house on the block that made you look twice. Then they did an expensive remodel and added a metal roof amongst other things. Now it’s the house that turns heads and the metal roof is an enormous part of that.

Standing Seam Metal Roofing in Black Ore Matte

Standing Seam Metal Roofing in Black Ore Matte

2. Long Term Return On Investment

If you are considering purchasing a new metal roof you should ask yourself two questions

  • How long do I plan on living in my house?
  • How important is the look of a metal roof versus an asphalt shingle roof


Do I Plan On Living In My House For 15 Years Or Longer?

If you intend on living in your residence for more than 15 years, a metal roof will likely yield a positive return on investment. That is the average amount of time it takes before you would need to replace the first asphalt shingle roof with a second roof. The cost of your first asphalt roof is quite a bit less than a metal roof, but an asphalt shingle roof will need to be replaced in 15 years. The cost of two asphalt roofs will be 50% higher than a one-time purchase of a metal roof.


In addition, there are other cost savings benefits of a metal roof that add up year after year.

  • Increased energy efficiency which will decrease your heating and cooling cost.
  • Lower insurance premiums
  • Less maintenance

Metal roofing return on investment is one of the most important things to consider to determine if it’s the right fit for you.. I would highly suggest reading a much more in depth article on the subject.

Do I Plan On Living In My House For Less Than 15 Years?

If you plan on selling your home sooner than 15 years, it could go either way. From a pure numbers calculation, an asphalt shingle roof would be a better investment. However, that does not take into consideration some things that are hard to quantify.

  • A metal roof will increase the resale value of your home more than an asphalt roof
  • The difference between the functional life and aesthetic life of an asphalt shingle roof

Asphalt shingles are a temporary or disposable roof and they have two different life cycles. National studies define the functional life of most roofs at about 17 years. This is quite a bit different than the aesthetic life, which is closer to 5 to 7 years.

The aesthetic life is when the shingles are streaked and stained. The climate has weathered the roof where the shingles look like an old roof. Once they get to that point, even though the roof may continue to protect and perform against the weather, the roof looks like it’s on its last leg. The roof begins to detract from the home’s overall appearance, curb appeal, and property value.


How Important Is The Look Of A Metal Roof To You?

Buying a new metal roof is a lot like buying a new car. Sure, I could buy a Ford Fiesta or a Kia and they would likely be dependable cars that get the job done just as well as a more expensive vehicle. However, if I could afford a Lexus or a Mercedes would it be worth it to me to spend the extra money? When I sell my car, which vehicle will have the best resale value? A metal roof is the same principle.

Everyone’s budget, taste, and needs are different. Just like two different houses or neighborhoods are not the same. If you plan on staying in your house for less than 15 years, a metal roof may not be a great investment.


3. Curb Appeal And Color Choices

There are times when a metal roof can lessen the value of the house. You’d know because the roof looks like it should be on an industrial building or a hay barn, but not a residential house. It’s bright and shiny and looks horrible. Somebody paid money to make their house worth less. Your house should be designed so that the individual parts of the house work together with the look and functionality of the metal roof.

Spending a few extra dollars on a quality metal roofing panel in an attractive color is a worthwhile investment. You want a roof that compliments the overall design of the house and does not detract from it. It will attract more buyers who are willing to pay more for your house.

Metal roofing has changed a lot in the past 5 years and there are more color choices than ever. At Western States Metal Roofing we offer more than 100 colors to choose from including specialty “Designer Colors”. Nowadays, a metal roof gives you much more flexibility with your design choices than ever before. You’re not limited to the most basic asphalt shingle colors. Instead, you can literally pick any color that you want.


4. Improved Resale Value Of Your Home

If your house stands out in the neighborhood as one of the nicest looking houses, it will sell quicker and for more money. Conversely, if you live in a neighborhood where the majority of the homes have a premium roof and yours does not, then it will be harder to sell. The beauty of a metal roof adds style and value to your home that makes it more appealing to buyers.

Remodeling magazine did a study that was published by Angie’s List. The results of the study showed that metal roofs renovated with standing seam metal roofing recoup 85% to 95% of the costs. These gains in resale value amount to 1% to 6%, respectively, over homes roofed with asphalt shingles.


5. The Homes In Your Neighborhood

Have you ever driven down the street in an upscale neighborhood and looked at the houses? There’s always one house amongst all of the expensive and beautiful houses that looks out of place. It’s smaller than the rest, has an asphalt roof when the other roofs are metal or clay, or it needs some TLC.

The opposite is also true. This time the street has inexpensive houses and there is one house that’s considerably nicer and larger than the rest. Don’t you wonder, why did they build this house there?

You should build a house to the level of your neighborhood. We suggest that you drive through upscale and average neighborhoods. Check out what the roofs look like in each area. Then drive through your neighborhood and determine if a metal roof is worth the investment.

Will you be overbuilding by installing a metal roof? Maybe you will be underbuilding by installing an asphalt shingle roof. Finally, will a metal roof be that missing piece of the design that makes your house stand out amongst a sea of similar houses?


Metal Roofing Learning Cener

There is no right or wrong answer to determine if a metal roof is right for you. If you plan on selling your house soon, then a metal roof is probably not a good idea. On the other hand if you will be at your house for a long time it’s an investment that will save you money in the long term.

If you’ve decided that a metal roof could be right for your house then it’s time to start educating yourself about metal roofing. At Western States Metal Roofing we have a learning center that has articles and videos that will cover many of your questions. Check out our easy to navigate Metal Roofing Learning Center or our YouTube channel.


In order to make your journey easier we recommend that you read:

Metal Roofing v. Asphalt Shingles: The Advantages and Disadvantages


Click here to watch metal roofing videos on our YouTube channel!


About Paul Rubio

Paul Rubio is the Vice President and one of the owners of Western States Metal Roofing. He has been in the metal roofing industry for 25 years. WSMR is a manufacturer of metal roofing, wall panels, and metal siding. We have colors and finishes that nobody else has with nearly 100 different colors in stock. Our selection of color options and finishes is likely the largest in the industry.